Nilanga Virajith
Senior Software Developer
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    +65 8598 2327
  • Team Player
  • Quick Learner
  • Creative Thinker

Nilanga Virajith

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Feb 2023 - Present

Designing & Implementing microservices unit testing, and integration testing.

Kotlin | SpringBoot | PostgreSql | MS Sql Server | JOOQ | Jobrunr | Redis | Docker | Kotest
Associate Technical Lead
Aug 2021 - Feb 2023

Designed & Implemented scalable software solutions, and led the development team

AWS | React | Redux | Redux-Saga | Node.js | Express.js | Serverless | SpringBoot | PostgreSql | MongoDB | MySql | SonarQube | Veracode | Docker
Senior Software Engineer
July 2020 - Aug 2021

Implemented high quality software products to drive core business functionalities in Sysco Canada

AWS | React | Redux | Redux-Saga | Node.js | Express.js | Serverless | SpringBoot | PostgreSql | MongoDB | MySql | SonarQube | Veracode | Docker
Senior Software Engineer
Feb 2020 - July 2020

Developed scabalable REST APIs to cater to the business needs of a fortune 100 company

SpringBoot | JPA | Querydsl | Oracle PL/SQL | SonarQube | Docker
Jan 2018 - Jan 2020

Developed core business functionalities of TravelBox

Java SE | Oracle PL/SQL | SOAP Web Services | Docker
Software Engineer | Intern
July 2016 - Jan 2017

Implemented the cross platform mobile banking application of a leading bank in the country

Ionic | AngularJS


Blog Posts

blog post
JavaScript Hoisting
Hoisting is the behavior of JavaScript that moves the variable and function declarations to the top of the scope, which means variables and functions are declared and allocated memory even before the code is executed.
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blog post
Set up scheduled tasks with AWS Fargate using CloudFormation Templates
Out of the multiple options available in AWS to run containers, Fargate is the best option to deploy a scheduled task that only runs a couple of hours max per day.
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blog post
Lexical Environment in JavaScript
By definition, lexical environment is a data structure that holds the identifier-variable mapping. So if we take a simple function with variables inside it, the lexical environment is holding the identifier-variable mapping of those variables.
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blog post
Function statements vs Function expressions in JavaScript
When working with javascript, you must’ve come across this jargon and you might’ve wondered what these really mean. So let me try to simplify this for you.
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Nilanga Virajith